DURING THE 19TH CENTURY, THE KAMESTISUHAN district of Malolos , Bulacan was the place where wealthy Chinese mestizos resided such as the Tantoco, Reyes, Tiongco, Crisostomo, Uitangcoy and Tanchanco. The district is presently known as Pariancillo. Located directly west of the Catedral de Immaculada Concepcion and Basilica Menor of Malolos is the home of the leader of the famed "Women of Malolos" movement, Alberta Uitangcoy-Santos, married to Paulino Santos.
One of the nine children of the couple, Dr. Luis Santos, built a Victorian "Painted ladies" - inspired house in 1933, located diagonally across his parents abode. He was a renown practicing eye, ear, nose and throat (EENT) specialist until his death in 1982. Dr. Luis' son Dr. Sabino "Benny" Santos, followed his father's footstep as an eye specialist, eventually inherited the house.
The lovely sky-blue monochrome house is substantially set back from the street, protected by the elaborate wrought-iron main gate that leads to an expansive semicircular driveway. A spacious garden circumscribed by the driveway features ornamental plants and a fountain with a couple of nymphs. A short flight of stairs leads up to a receiving balcony with two main doors: left door opens to the EENT medical clinic, the right leads to the private residence.

Somehow the deluge of decorative architectural details in the house managed to interact harmoniously with each other. Lacey-wrought iron grillwork is utilized throughout the interior. Over the landing is the ornate staircase ceiling with integrated light bezels. The landing is directly illuminated during the daytime by the floor-to-ceiling fixed, frosted glass panels. The living room space is also lit by well mounted Art Deco slipper shades. The design of the wood carvings must have been inspired by the Art Deco and Art Nouveau styles, probably encountered by Dr. Santos during his travels abroad.

Though Dr. Benny
Santos could not recall who his father’s architect was, records show that
Alejandro Yelab Caudal is the famed maestro
de obra who worked on this magnificent house. His daughter, Celia Caudal-Dizon, was the
1946 Architecture Board Exams topnotcher.